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Bibliography record

Author: Majumdar D.
Title: Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense. A Pantomime.
City: Great Britain – USA
Publisher: Asghate
Year: 2007
Other: Contents: Preface; Introduction. Part I The Hermeneutic Scene: Truth, method, and originality; Heritage and legacy. Part II The Architectonic Scene: Edifice of soul; Levels of self; The logic of Poiesis; Demiurge, nature, and matter. Part III The Cosmological Scene: The making of the world of sense in the Enneads; Conjoint appearance of time and the world of sense (III.7(45).11); The nature and role of the self ('We') in III.7(45).11; Tolma, Polupragmatic nature – historical roots and the noetic level; Tolma, Polupragmatic nature, unquiet power, and the descent of soul in III.7(45).11; Pantomime. Select bibliography; Index.
