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Bibliography record

Author: Gutas D.
Title: Greek Philosophers in the Arabic Tradition
City: Great Britain – USA
Publisher: Ashgate
Year: 2000
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series CS698
Other: Contents: Presocratics and Minor Schools: Pre-Plotinian philosophy in Arabic (other than Platonism and Aristotelianism): a review of the sources; Sayings by Diogenes preserved in Arabic; Adrastus of Aphrodisias, (Pseudo-) Cebes, Democrates 'Gnomicus', and Diogenes the Cynic in the Arabic sources; Plato: Plato's Symposion in the Arabic tradition; Galen’s Synopsis of Plato’s Laws and Farabi’s Talhis; Aristotle and the early peripatos: The spurious and the authentic in the Arabic Lives of Aristotle; The life, works, and sayings of Theophrastus in the Arabic tradition; Eudemus in the Arabic tradition; Late antiquity and the interface between Greek and Arabic: Paul the Persian on the classification of the parts of Aristotle's philosophy: a milestone between Alexandria and Baghdad; The starting point of philosophical studies in Alexandrian and Arabic Aristotelianism; Philoponus and Avicenna on the separability of the intellect: a case of Orthodox Christian - Muslim agreement; The malady of love (in collaboration with Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt); Index.
