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Mullā Ṣadrā and the Later Islamic Philosophical Tradition, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, contracted, delivery spring 2011, forthcoming 
Roots of a Discord: Conflict and Diversity in Islam from the Classical to the Modern Period, New Haven: Yale University Press, contracted, delivery spring 2012, forthcoming
What has Najaf to do with Baghdad? Shiʿi Politics in the New Iraq, London: Hurst & Co., pre-contract discussion, delivery summer 2011, forthcoming
ed. of Studies on the Ismāʿīlīs, London: I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, contracted, delivery spring 2011, forthcoming
with Annabel Keeler (eds), Esotericism and the Text: Qurʾanic Exegesis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, contracted, delivery autumn 2010, forthcoming
ed. of Shiʿism in the Gulf: History, Culture, Memory and Politics, London: Hurst & Co., delivery autumn 2010, forthcoming
Mīr Dāmād, Makers of the Muslim World, Oxford: Oneworld, contracted, delivery spring 2010, forthcoming
Mullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being, London: Routledge, 2009.
An Anthology of Qurʾanic Commentaries, with Feras Hamza, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008
Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī: His Life, Works and the Sources for Safavid Philosophy, JSS Supplements 18, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007

Critical Editions

ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd Tabrīzī, al-Bawāriq al-nūriyya, Tehran: Mīrāth-i maktūb, delivery summer 2012, forthcoming
Jāmī, Tafsīr al-Fātiḥa, Journal of Qurʾanic Studies, delivery spring 2012, forthcoming
Qāḍī Saʿīḍ Qummī, Taʿlīqāt ʿalā l-Ūthūlujiyā, Tehran: Mīrāth-i maktūb, delivery Christmas 2012, forthcoming

Chapters in Collected Volumes

Walāya: sanctity and authority in Shiʿi Philosophy’, in G. Mizkinzoda, M.A. Amir-Moezzi and F. Daftary (eds), The Study of Shiʿi Islam, London: I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, commissioned, delivery autumn 2010, forthcoming 
‘To be a believer in the face of tribulations: The Shiʿi Sufi hermeneutics of Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī’, in A. Keeler and S. Rizvi (eds), Esotericism and the Text: Qurʾanic Exegesis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 
‘The Daʿwa Party and Shiʿi politics in the Gulf’, in S. Rizvi (ed), Shiʿism in the Gulf: History, Culture, Memory and Politics, London: Hurst & Co., forthcoming 
‘Debating Shiʿi Philosophy in Qum’, in A. Lalani (ed), Shiʿi Tradition of Islam: Essence and Expressions, London: I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, commissioned and delivered, forthcoming 
‘Sayyid Niʿmatullāh al-Jazāʾirī and his (literary) Anthologies’, in R. Gleave (ed), Festschrift for Paul Auchterlonie, Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, delivered, 2010, forthcoming 
 ‘Oneself as the saved other’, in M.H. Khalil (ed), Islam, Salvation and the Fate of Others, New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 
‘Mullā Ṣadrā’s noetics’, in M. Sebti (ed), Noétique et théorie de la connaissance dans la philosophie arabo-musulmane des IXe à XVIIe siècles, Paris: Vrin, 2010, forthcoming 
‘Violence and the other: contextualising takfīr’, in Z. Kazmi and J. Deol (eds), Contextualising Jihad, London/New York: Hurst & Co/Columbia University Press, 2010, forthcoming 
‘Mullā Hādī Sabzavārī and the school of Mullā Ṣadrā’, in S. Mervin & D. Hermann (eds), Shiʿism in Modern Times (1800-1925), Beirut/Frankfurt: Deutsches Orientinstitut, 2010, pp. 71–110 
 ‘Mīr Dāmād and the debate on ḥudūth dahrī in India’, in D. Hermann and F. Speziale (eds), Islam in the Indo-Iranian World in the Modern Epoch, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2010, pp. 249–73
with Oliver Leaman, ‘The Developed Kalam tradition’, in T.J.Winter (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 77–96 
‘Ibn ʿArabī’, in A. Rippin (ed), The Islamic World, London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 363–73
‘Au-dela du miroir: Mullā Ṣadrā’s pedagogical epistemology’, in D. De Smet and M. Sebti (eds), Miroir et savoir. La transmission d'un thème platonicien des Alexandrins à la philosophie arabo-musulmane, Leuven: Peeters, 2008, pp. 251–71 
‘Neoplatonism Revived in the Light of the Imams: Qāḍī Saʿīd Qummī (d. 1696) and his reception of the Theologia Aristotelis’, in P. Adamson (ed), Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Reception, London: The Warburg Institute, 2007, pp. 176–208 
‘A Sufi Philosophy fit for a Shiʿi King’, in A. Shihadeh (ed), Sufism and Theology, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007, pp. 83–98 
with Fanar Haddad, ‘Fitting Baghdad in’, in G.Stansfield and R.Visser (eds), An Iraq of its Regions, London: Hurst & Co., 2007, pp. 51–74.
‘Ibn ʿArabī and Mullā Ṣadrā: Mysticism and philosophy in later Islamic Philosophy’, in P. Adamson and R. Taylor (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 224–46
‘Being and Sanctity: two poles of intellectual and mystical inquiry in Qajar Iran’, in R. Gleave (ed), Religion and Society in Qajar Iran, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 113–26
‘Process Metaphysics in Islam? Avicenna and Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī on intensification of being’, in D. Reisman and A. al-Rahim (eds), Before and After Avicenna, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2003, pp. 233–48
‘Essential Accidents, Syllogisms and the Possibility of Knowledge: Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition of metaphysics’, in S.M.Khamenei (ed), Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies, Tehran: SIPRIn, 2002, pp. 307–32

Journal Articles

‘Only the Imam knows best: debates between the Sadrian tradition and the maktab-i tafkīk on the legitimacy of philosophy’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, under review
‘Communicating Pure Consciousness Events: Using Izutsu to address a Problem in the Philosophy of Mysticism’, Philosophy East and West, under review
‘Re-centering Foundationalist Ethics? John Rist on Platonism and Real Ethics’, Journal of Religious Ethics, under review
‘Sayyid Niʿmat Allāh al-Jazāʾirī and his Anthologies: Anti-Sufism, Shiʿism and Jokes in the Safavid World’, Die Welts des Islams, under review 
Ḥikmah mutaʿāliyah in Qajar Iran: Locating Mullā Hādī Sabzavārī (d. 1289/1873) and the School of Mullā Ṣadrā’, Iranian Studies, accepted, forthcoming
‘Shiʿi religious institutions and political mobilisation in Iraq’, International Affairs, accepted, forthcoming
‘Shiʿism in Bahrain: marjaʿiyya and politics’, Orient IV (2009), pp. 16–24 
‘Shiʿi threat, Shiʿi challenge’, Shia Affairs, 2 (2009)
‘Between Time and Eternity: Mīr Dāmād on God’s Creative Agency’, Journal of Islamic Studies, 17, 2 (2006), pp. 158–76
‘The Existential Breath of al-Raḥmān and the Munificent Grace of al-Raḥīm: The tafsīr sūrat al-Fātiḥa of Jāmī and the school of Ibn ʿArabī’, Journal of Qurʾanic Studies, 8, 1 (2006), pp. 58–87
‘Time and Creation in Some Safavid Philosophies’, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 62, 2 (2006), pp. 713–37
‘Towards a Typology of Philosophical Inquiry in the Ithnā ʿAshariyy Tradition’, International Journal of Shiʿi Studies, 4, 1 (2006), pp. 189–206
‘Mullā Ṣadrā and Causation: Rethinking a Problem in later Islamic philosophy’, Philosophy East and West, 55 (2005), pp. 570–83
‘A primordial e pluribus unum: Modern Muslim discourses on religious pluralism’, Journal of Qurʾanic Studies 6 (2004), pp. 21–42
‘A treatise attributed to Shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn on the Ultimate Reality’, Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi Society, 25 (2004), pp. 1–24
‘The Soteriology of Wilāya: early tashayyuʿ and Mullā Ṣadrā’, International Journal of Shiʿi Studies, 1 (2003), pp. 157-76
‘Reconsidering the life of Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī: notes towards an intellectual biography, Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 40, 2002, pp. 181–202
‘The existence-essence distinction in the philosophies of Avicenna and Suhrawardī’, Studia Iranica, 29 (2000), pp. 61–108

Encyclopaedia Entries

‘Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’, ‘Jalāl al-Dīn Davānī’, and ‘Mīr Dāmād’, for the Princeton  Encyclopaedia of Islamic Political Thought, eds. G. Bowering, P. Crone et al, submitted, forthcoming
‘Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq’, ‘Mīr Dāmād’, ‘Mullā Ṣadrā’, ‘Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī’, ‘Shāh ʿAbbās I’, ‘Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrwardī’, ‘ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī’, and ‘al-Ḥasan al-ʿAskarī’, I.B. Tauris Biographical Dictionary of Islamic Civilization, ed. M. Shah, delivery date November 2010, forthcoming
‘Ashkiwarī, Quṭb al-Dīn’, Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd edition, forthcoming
‘Mulla Sadra Shirazi’, Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, available at http:/plato.stanford.edu/entries/mulla-sadra/ 
Twenty entries on Islamic philosophy and theology in I. Netton (ed), Encyclopaedia of Islamic Civilisation and Religion, London: Routledge, 2008
‘Isfahan, school of’, ‘Molla Sadra’, ‘Qadi Saʿid Qommi’, ‘Mir Findiriski’, Encyclopaedia Iranica
