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Risāla fī  l-ʿilm al-ilāhī (Epistle on the Divine Science) , MS Istanbul, Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi, Carullah 1279, f. 136 r
Risāla fī l-ʿilm al-ilāhī (Epistle on the Divine Science) , MS Istanbul, Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi, Carullah 1279, f. 136 r

Guidelines for authors

Submissions are invited in every area of the studies on the trasmission of philosophical and scientific texts from Classical antiquity to the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and early modern times. The language of publication is in practice English, although papers in French, German and Italian are also published; the articles must not exceed 10.000 words, including notes. All submissions must include an abstract. 
Peer review
Studia graeco-arabica follows a double-blind peer review process. Authors should avoid putting their names in headers or footers or refer to themselves in the body or notes of the article; the title and abstract alone should appear on the first page of the article.
Manuscript preparation
Articles should be double-spaced throughout. Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac scripts are allowed, provided that they conform with the Unicode standard. 
Transliteration system: 
a, ā b t ṯ ǧ ḥ ḫ d ḏ r z s š ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w, ū  y, ī  ʾ 
ʿayn and hamza should be clearly distinguished from one another; initial hamza is dropped; the article al- is lower case except when it appears as the first word of a sentence or footnote.
The contributions accepted for publication are edited according to the style of the journal. In order to facilitate the editing, authors are asked to conform to the following examples:
Plat., Tim. 37 B 5-6.
Arist., Metaph. Λ 7, 1072 b 3-4.
Simpl., In Cat., p. 3.2-9 Kalbfleisch (CAG VIII).
Al-Kindī, al-Qawl fī l-nafs al-muḫtaṣar min kitāb Arisṭū wa-Falāṭun wa-sāʾir al-falāsifa, in Rasāʾil al-Kindī al-falsafiyya, ed. M. ʽA. Abū Rīda. Dār al-fikr al-ʽarabī, I-II, Cairo 1950-53, I, p. 272-80, in part. p. 273.5-6.
F. Fuchs, Die höheren Schulen von Konstantinopel im Mittelalter, Teubner, Leipzig 1926.
Fuchs, Die höheren Schulen, p. 24.
J. Darmesteter, "Jacques d’Édesse et Claude Ptolémée", Revue des Études Grecques 3 (1890), p. 180-88.
Darmesteter, "Jacques d’Édesse", p. 181.