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Nilda Ruimy

Nilda Ruimy coordinated the ILC research and implementation group for the EC projects EUROTRA-MT, MLAP-COLSIT, LRE-LSGRAM, LE-PAROLE, LE-SIMPLE and for the MIUR-funded national project ‘Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto' (CLIPS). She has vast experience as coordinator of projects for the design of models and the development of large computational lexical resources. She is the scientific responsible of the multi-level computational lexicon of Italian language PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS. She is member of the Scientific Committee of LREC, the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference and of the Language Resources and Evaluation Journal.
Her main research interests are: NLP, Monolingual and multilingual Computational Lexicology and Lexicography,Models and standards for the representation of lexical knowledge, Development of lexical knowledge bases, Reusability of Lexical Resources, Computational Syntax and Computational Lexical Semantics, Ontologies, Multilinguality, Cross-language knowledge induction.
