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Bibliography record

Author: Jacoby D.
Title: Latins, Greeks and Muslims: Encounters in the Eastern Mediterranean, 10th-15th Centuries
City: Great Britain - USA
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing
Year: 2009
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series CS914
Other: Contents: Preface; The Byzantine outsider in trade (c.900–c.1350); Diplomacy, trade, shipping and espionage between Byzantium and Egypt in the 12th century; Migrations familiales et stratégies commerciales vénitiennes aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles; La colonisation militaire vénitiennne de la Crète au XIIIe siècle: une nouvelle approche; Mercanti genovesi e veneziani e le loro merci nel Levante crociato; The fonde of Crusader Acre and its tariff: some new considerations; Foreigners and the urban economy in Thessalonike, c.1150–c.1450; Thessalonique de la domination de Byzance à celle de Venise. Continuité, adaptation ou rupture?; La consolidation de la domination de Venise dans la ville de Négrepont (1205–1390): un aspect de sa politique coloniale; New evidence on the Greek peasantry in Latin Romania; Byzantine traders in Mamluk Egypt; Greeks in the maritime trade of Cyprus around the mid-14th century; Addenda and corrigenda; Indexes.
