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06.05.2015 By: info@greekintoarabic.eu

International Lectures, May 2015

Two lectures by Dr. Veysel Kaya (Istanbul University) to be held in Pisa, May 12-13, 2015

We cordially invite you to attend the lectures by Dr. Veysel Kaya (Istanbul University)


May 12th, 2015  - 14.00 p.m. (Aula Riunioni 1)

Proofs for the Existence of God in Islamic Theology. A Comparative Outlook


May 13th, 2015  - 14.00 p.m. (Aula Riunioni 1)

How Deep is the Kalam Rooted in Late Antiquity?



Dipartimento di Civiltà e forme del sapere UNIPI, Palazzo Carità (piano primo), via Paoli 15, 56126 Pisa.

Looking forward to seeing you



More info: info@greekintoarabic.eu

International Lectures, May 2015 >
< Now Available: GALex, 12
