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16.12.2011 By: Elisa Coda UNIPI

Keynote speech by Cristina D'Ancona, 1st Open Day "Research at Pisa University", December 14-15, 2011

The P.I. of Greek Into Arabic attended the 1st Open Day "Research at Pisa University", Palazzo Reale, December 14-15, 2011.

The P.I. outlined the fields covered by Greek into Arabic, as well as the main activities carried on within the project. The keynote speech (“Dal greco all'arabo. Testi filosofici antichi, nuove tecnologie informatiche”) has been addressed to an audience including colleagues, students, and the press. The keynote on Greek into Arabic will be available on iTunesU - the iTunes page of the University of Pisa. 



An Outline


Averroes’ Long Commentary on the Metaphysics Online by Cecilia Martini Bonadeo >
< A Lecture by Andrea Bozzi, ESF-SCH Exploratory Workshop in Berlin, October 19-21, 2011
