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Bibliography record

Author: Mansfeld J.
Title: Studies in Later Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism
City: Great Britain – USA
Publisher: Ashgate
Year: 1989
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series CS292
Other: Contents: Preface; Providence and the destruction of the universe in early Stoic thought; Resurrection added: the interpretatio christiana of a Stoic doctrine; Techne: a new fragment of Chrysippus; The Cleanthes fragment in Cicero, De natura deorum, II 24; Some Stoics on the soul; Three notes on Albinus; Heraclitus, Empedocles and others in a Middle Platonist cento in Philo; Heraclitus fr. B 63 D.-K; On two fragments of Heraclitus in Clement of Alexandria; Philosophy in the service of Scripture; Reviews of O’Brien, Pour interpréter Empédocle, and Mastandrea, Un Neoplatonico Latino: Cornelio Labeone; Alexander and the history of Neoplatonism; Bad world and demiurge: a ‘Gnostic’ motif from Parmenides and Empedocles to Lucretius and Philo; Reviews of Alderink, Creation and salvation in ancient Orphism, Pesce, Tavola di Cebete, and Fitzgerald & White, Tabula of Cebes; Hesiod and Parmenides in Nag Hammadi; Addenda; Index.
