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1. Aristoteles’ De Anima. Eine verlorene spätantike Paraphrase in arabischer & persischer Überlieferung. Arabischer Text nebst Kommentar, quellengeschichtlichen Studien & Glossaren. (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus; 9) Leiden – New York : Brill, 1998.
2. Abū l-cAbbās an-Nayrīzīs Exzerpte aus (Ps.-?)Simplicius’ Kommentar zu den Definitionen, Postulaten und Axiomen in Euclids  Elementa I. Eingeleitet, ediert und mit arabischen und lateinischen Glossaren versehen. Köln – Essen, 2002.
3. (Co-author of) A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (GALex). Materials for a dictionary of the mediaeval translations from Greek into Arabic. Vol. 1: أ to أي, ed. by Gerhard Endress and Dimitri Gutas, compiled by Rüdiger Arnzen, Gerhard Endress and Dimitri Gutas. Leiden: Brill, 2002. (Handbuch der Orientalistik: Abt. 1. Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten; Bd XI.)
4. (Ed.) Averrois Cordubensis commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis. Ex recognitione Francis James Carmody (†) in lucem edidit Rüdiger Arnzen. Editioni praefatus est Gerhard Endress. 2 vols. (Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca 4.1.1, 4.1.2.) Leuven : Peeters, 2003.
5. (Ed., with J. Thielmann) Words, Texts and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday. Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2004.
6. (Co-author of) A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (GALex). Materials for a dictionary of the mediaeval translations from Greek into Arabic. Fascicle 8: ب to بدل , ed. by Gerhard Endress and Dimitri Gutas. Leiden: Brill, 2007. (Handbuch der Orientalistik: Abt. 1. Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten; Bd XI.)
7. Averroes on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. An Annotated Translation of the So-called Epitome. (Scientia Graeco-Arabica; 5) Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.
8. Platonische Ideen in der arabischen Philosophie. Texte und Materialien zur Begriffsgeschichte von ‘suwar aflatuniyya’ und ‘muthul aflatuniyya’. De Gruyter, Berlin 2011.
9. (Co-author of) A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (GALex). Materials for a Dictionary of the Mediaeval Translations from Greek into Arabic, edited by Gerhard Endress and Dimitri Gutas, coll. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section One. The Near and Middle East, Volume XI, Fascicle 11, بعد to بكى, Leiden - Boston 2013.

Selected Articles

1. „Vergessene Pflichtlektüre: Al-Qabīsīs astrologische Lehrschrift im europäischen Mittelalter,“ Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 13 (1999-2000), p. 93-128.
2. „Ausgewählte Literatur in >westlichen< Sprachen für das Studium der mittelalterlichen Philosophie in arabischer und persischer Sprache,“ Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter 7 (2002), p. 125-78.
3. „Aristote, De Anima. Paraphrase arabe anonyme.“ In: R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques. Supplément. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2003, p. 359-65.
4. „Wie mißt man den göttlichen Kreis? Phantasievermögen, Raumvorstellung und geometrischer Gegenstand in den mathematischen Theorien Proclus’, al-Fārābīs und Ibn al-Haythams.“ In Imagination – Fiktion – Kreation. Das kulturschaffende Vermögen der Phantasie. Ed. by : Thomas Dewender, Thomas Welt. München - Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2003, p. 115-40.
5. „Mapping Philosophy and Science in Safawid Iran and Mughal India: The Case of Niżāmaddīn Ahmad Gīlānī and Ms. Khudā Bakhsh 2641.” Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 56 (1999-2003) [2004], p. 107-60.
6. (Together with G. Guldentops, A. Speer, M. Trizio, D. Wirmer) “Philosophische Kommentare im Mittelalter—Zugänge und Orientierungen. Zweiter Teil: III. Platonica – IV. Aristotelica,” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (2007), p. 259-90.
7. “The Structure of Mullā Sadrā’s al-Hikma al-mutacāliya fī l-asfār al-caqliyya al-arbaca and His Concepts of First Philosophy and Divine Science. An Essay,” Medioevo 32 (2007) [2008], p. 199-240.
8. “On the Nature and Fate of Chapter V of Ibn Rushd’s Epitome of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” In Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages. Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation in Honour of Hans Daiber. Ed. by A. Akasoy and W. Raven. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies, vol. 75. Leiden: Brill, 2008, p. 43-58.
9. “Arabisches Mittelalter.” In Platon-Handbuch. Leben – Werk - Wirkung. Ed. by Christoph Horn, Jörn Müller, Joachim Söder. Stuttgart – Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2009, p. 439-45.
10. “On the Contents, Sources and Composition of Two Arabic Pseudo-Platonica: Multaqaṭāt Aflāṭūn al-ilāhī and Fiqar ultuqiṭat wa-jumicat can Aflāṭūn.” Oriens 37 (2009), p. 7-52.
11. “Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’: The Seventh Epistle of the Propaedeutical Part on the Scientific Arts and What They Aim at. Translated by Rüdiger Arnzen.” In Bradley J. Cook (ed.), Classical Foundations of Islamic Education Thought.  (Islamic Translation Series; 10) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, p. 20-37.
12. “Ibn Rushd on the Structure of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 21 (2010).
13. "Plato, Arabic", Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Springer, Berlin 2011, pp. 1012-1016
14. Introduction, in Sitt Rasā’il fī Ithbāt Wājib al-wujūd bi-dh-dhāt wa fī l-Ilāhīyāt, Shams-al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Khafrī (d. 942 A.H.), ed by F. Saatchian, Tehran-2012.
15. "Plato Amongst the Arabic-Latin Translators of the Twelfth Century", in Il Timeo: esegesi greche, arabe, latine, eds. F. Celia - A. Ulacco, PLUS, Pisa 2012, pp.
16.  "Proclus on Plato's Timaeus 89e3–90c7", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 23 (1) (2013), pp. 1-45.
17. "Die Glossen in Ms. Leyden Or. 583 und die syrische Rezeption der aristotelischen Physik", in E. Coda, C. Martini Bonadeo, De l'Antiquté Tardive au Moyen Ages, Vrin 2014, pp. 415-464 (with Y. Arzhanov).
